The dial pad will only appear on the phone if the child is allowed to call non-contacts. If you would like to enable this setting, please see below:

  • First, log into your Parent Portal account
  • On the left-hand side, hover over the Settings Icon and click on Contact settings.
  • Underneath Manage New Contacts Requests, toggle ON the switch next to 'Can calls and texts be sent to non–contacts?'
  • Turning on this option will allow the child to access the Dialer Pad in the Dialer app.
  • Please note: Turning on this feature will allow the phone to only send calls and texts non-contacts. The phone will not receive unknown contact calls or texts. There is another toggle for that if you do wish to receive calls and texts from non-contacts.
  • If an existing contact is marked as blocked, communication will still be blocked with them.

  • Next, open up the Purple Troomi app on the Troomi phone
  • You should see a message pop up
  • Wait about 10 seconds
  • Close the Troomi App
  • On the Troomi phone, open up the Dialer app and you will see the Dialer Pad at the bottom of the screen
    • If you don’t see the dialer pad, restarting the phone should make it appear.