PLEASE NOTE: This issue only affected users on the Do and Dream phone plans. This was resolved in Troomi KidSmart® OS 0.1.76.

When trying to use the camera, a message appears saying it won't work unless Google Play services are enabled.

This message showed if Location tags were turned on in the Camera settings. Location tags use Google Play Services that were previously turned off on phones on the Do and Dream plan.

The Camera may have worked but the error message came up repeatedly.

As of Troomi KidSmart® OS 0.1.76, you should no longer get this error message but may still need to toggle Location tags on and off to force your phone to correctly recognize the new services.

1. Open the Camera

2. Select Settings (top left)

3. Scroll down and turn Location tags off

4. Turn Location tags back on and you shouldn't see an error message